Tuesday, September 01, 2009

But He's Just a BABY!

My sweet little brown-eyed baby boy started preschool today.

I thought I'd cry, but I didn't. Poor middle child, he doesn't even get my Hallmark tears. I think I've just always known that Adam would thrive in school. He's a social butterfly and he just gets others in a way that Jacob never could. I'm sad he's going to be away from home three mornings a week, but I just know this will be a good experience for him. He's ready for it.

Of course, when I asked him about his day he said there was a kid in an orange shirt that wasn't nice to him so he was planning to "kick his butt" and his teacher's name is apparently Mrs. Puff. So......we're going to lay off the Spongebob this afternoon and review optional tactics for dealing with meanies.


tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

NICE Adam! He sounds so much like Evan (And Justin and Jacob are similar... so are Corinne and Elizabeth. It's like we're LIVING THE SAME LIFE. Only I don't live across from a lake.)

Dana said...

Man Andria, he really isn't a baby anymore is he? He looks so grown up and happy to be heading off to school...

By the way, I ADORE your blog makeover! It looks really cute.