So today is for all intents and purposes our Christmas Eve. Derick has to go back to work on Christmas Day, flies out Christmas Eve afternoon so if he wants to see his kids bask in the glow of Santa we need to have Santa come tonight. Derick did get me a really nice digital camera a day early so we can figure it all out before prime picture taking opportunities tomorrow. Stay tuned to see how those turn out.
We had a few more things to pick up yesterday, total chaos. I have never encountered so many rude people all together in my life. So much for peace on Earth, good will towards men. What really gets me is how completely rude adults can be to little children. I walked into one store for barely 2 minutes holding Jacob's hand tight, never let him away from me. In that time, he was shoved, stepped on, and barked at by total strangers, dont' even get me started on the man who slammed the door in our faces and the other one who expected me to hold it open for him. I am typically pretty polite in that department, but when I am holding a 10 month old, a diaper bag, a purse, and the hand of a wiggly 4 year old, can't handle that so much. Now if the man were, say, struggling with packages or in a wheelchair I would have made more of an effort, but the able bodied, cologne reeking twenty five year old didn't need my I get the 3 of us out the door (at the public library no less) the man isn't immediately behind me, but he runs right up after I get out and let the door shut to grumble about the rudeness of people.....I guess he is probably one of those who opposes Merry Christmas as well. AGH, on a related note, I have taught Jacob how to hold the doors open for people and he enjoys doing it, I think it would be nice, though, if the strangers he holds the door for would thank him.