Thursday, August 31, 2006

You've Never Heard of Boudin?

For those unlucky few who have never tasted it, or even heard of it:

THIS is boudin.

It is a mixture of pork, pork liver, rice, peppers, and spices all pushed together in a sausage casing. Healthy? Nope. Tasty? Oh, heck yeah! It is a Cajun delicacy that I am lucky enough to be able to buy in any supermarket I walk into here in Texas, a perk to being that close to Louisiana, I guess. You northerners don't know what you're missing!


Beck said...

So it's a type of sausage? Yum. Some day, maybe, I'll get to try some.

Lori said...

MMmmm, I have two brothers that live in Texas. I'll have to try some next time we're out for a visit!

OneHungMan said...

Really, really, really sounds good. Have some for OneHung.

Shane H. said...

It must taste much better than it looks! Better pack a freezer full if you're heading to Ohio.

Anonymous said...

I have lived in Columbus, OH. for over 4 years and I can't find boudin ANYWHERE. I did find this link though:

If anyone anywhere can tell me if they know where else I can get some please let me know!