Thursday, February 01, 2007


I just received an early morning phone call from a police officer. I hate when they do that. The guy calls and says, "Hello, Andria (as if he knows me) this is blank from the TX state police dept." then sits there silently for a few seconds. I, of course, am not thinking like I should that they have called to solicit money, I think "Oh, dear Lord, who is lying dead on the highway?" When he finally gets around to his can't-get-a-word-in-edgewise schpiel (is that a word?) I have about passed out on the carpet. Is this their ploy? Get you scared and then so relieved you will hand them the shirt off your back? Well, if so, it isn't working with me.

I will probably piss somebody off in the next few paragraphs, but hey, it's my blog, I can bitch if I want to.

I have a problem with the cops calling every three months begging for money. I actually have a problem with lots of places calling and begging for money, but the cops annoy me so much more. First of all, I realize that the police force is paid a pittance and, especially here in in Houston, they put their lives at risk on a daily basis. Yes, I am thankful for this. Yes, I wish the city would pay them more. I was a teacher. A very low paid teacher for many years. I just got by. I spent at least a quarter of my paycheck each year supplying my classroom and purchasing things to help teach America's youth. I was expected to do that because there aren't many funds for teachers out there either. I did that because I wanted my students to have a good education. I did it because I had to. Never once did I pick up a phone and call unsuspecting citizens and ask for a hand out. Even if I did, no one would give one because teachers are second class in our great country behind NFL players and Paris Hilton.

Second of all, the cops here in my town refuse to help me out when needed. I have called them a few times for various things, like when the neighbor's pack of pit bulls crashed through our fence and tried to break our glass door down, they couldn't come and help because they were too busy and maybe in a week or so animal control could come out. I have called with noise complaints only to be told that wasn't their jurisdiction. My dog was attacked by a rottweiler on a morning walk and all the cops could do for me was to attempt to quarantine MY dog because obviously my dog on a leash provoked the whole thing. In short, UH, what have you done for me lately that makes me want to throw money at you? The teenagers smoke pot in the ditch while you cruise by, the animals roam free, and vandalism is rampant and okay here. You drive by with your Starbucks cup hanging out the window oblivious to all around you. Why should you get paid more for that?

The guy today kept on and on about how I could get some sort of huge brass doo dad that showed what a wonderful supporter I was that I suction cup to a certain part of my vehicle for everyone to see (oh, no, not a ticket deferrent) for a measly $75. $75!!!! Since I was still brought up to be polite I explained to him that, well, we're just trying to pay our mortgage this month, he got quite rude and said he would send a packet and I could send in $10. I explained again that we didn't have ten bucks to spare this month and he got downright rude pretty much telling me that, yeah, I could come up with ten bucks if I wanted to. Asshole. So, yeah, phone calls from police officers do not make my day. I guess I better drive the speed limit taking Jacob to school tomorrow. I am sure they are looking for me.

5 comments: said...

Oh Andria! Haven't you learned that you can be polite but not have them waste your time? You simply interrupt with "Excuse me. I am terribly busy and we're not interested right now. Thank you. Good bye." Click. Don't give THEM the chance to interrupt, and hang up after you've politely declined. I do it all the time. I HATE the solicitors calling for charity. (mostly) I do have a lady that calls monthly for donations to Purple Hearts, but they aren't asking for money, and she's polite and to the point. So I don't mind. But the policeman and fireman balls and such? Not me.

OneHungMan said...

OneHung too hates cops and people who solicit. Instead of bothering us, why don't they go to their governments for more money. They can just pretend they're an illegal alien or a foreigner and our gov't would probably give them whatever they asked for.

Lynsey said...

My Dad used to handle all the calls like that...he'd come up with crazy responses like,"Jeez, thank God ya called when ya did, my wife is stark naked waiting for me in the bedroom and I gotta be honest with ya, she ain't lookin' like no Carmen EEEE-Lectra these days if ya know what I mean....I remember this time when she ordered herself some doggone panties that looked like they could fit two Queen Latifa's in those darn things and I ain't kiddin, now how I am supposed to come a-runnin when she's got those gosh darn things on? I will never look at cottage cheese the same I tell ya....."
They never, ever called back.

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

I don't like these calls either. I always feel cheap, but I can't give $10.00 to everyone that calls or we wouldn't be able to put food on the table. I got one the other night where a lady wanted me to send out info to all my neighbors from the cancer society. I felt aweful declining, but if I didn't, then all my neighbors would think I was affiliated with them and feel like they have to give to support me (and that is not the case). I give to charity and have no problem doing so, but I give to whom I want to give to. I pay enough taxes for police and fire. They need to learn to work on a budget like everyone else.

Miss Hope said...

My ex-husband works with EMS and when I would get this call, I would respond with "Yeah, my husband works with EMS". The officer would sit there for a minute and say.."Ma'am, this is the sheriff/police department". I would respond..."Yeah, and we all know EMS gets shafted when the budgets are made and you guys get the extras. Reckon that makes me poor and you rich. How about donate a ten for me?"

I'd then hang up till the next one came along.