Sunday, December 16, 2007

Say It Ain't So Rich!

What a fun weekend we are having here!

The husband left yesterday for a relaxing hunting vacation with the guys. You know he needs to relax and all since he works.

Remember when I complained last February when he left me alone with two kids?

I didn't realize how lucky I had it then.

I think I may need to be committed after he returns on Wednesday, yes Wednesday, night.

My boys are in the process of killing one another as I type. I'm afraid to look.

Elizabeth thinks it's funny though. At least she's enjoying herself.

As if this weren't bad enough, when I finally find the time to check the news, I get this. What a way to end my wonderful weekend.

That Fiesta Bowl sure is going to be interesting.


OneHungMan said...

Saw that last night, seems UM won't leave your coaches alone.

Aunt Becky said...

I know exactly how you feel (minus the third child). Whenever my husband complains at how "tired" and "stressed out" he is, I feel my blood boiling. It's not as though he doesn't work hard, he does, but man, at least he consistantly gets 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. HE doesn't have to cross all the "t's" and dot all the "i's" for the kids each night regardless of having someone to help him (if I leave him to do it, HOLY CRAP, IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD, but on a normal day, I don't even get the recognition).

Wish you lived closer, we could throw our kids together and have a glass (bottle) of wine.

Good luck, my friend.

Lynsey said...

i know i only have one- but do feel your pain when the husband travels all week for work. its hard work! hats off to you for letting him take off for a few days! he better let you take one heck of a nap when he returns.

Sadie said...

Look, I hate being left alone to take care of one dog and two cats, so I cannot fathom what you're going through. If you ever want to run away, you come on up to the mountains. :)

Oh, and sorry about your coach. That sucks. I wish somebody would come hire ours away, but nobody else wants him either.

Miss Hope said...

And this is why I'm so glad my husband doesn't have to do another sea tour before retirement. At this point? If he left for an amount of time longer than 4 hours....I would have to find places to hide the bodies.