Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Peace Offering

So the husband comes in last night with two bunches of flowers (Kroger specials which are my favorite yet have no idea what they are) and a bottle of Pepsi (which he hates and I adore). He said he thought I was having a bad week and they might make me feel better. In other words, he knows I have stomped around in a snit ever since he and his mom concocted their devious plan and he thinks a preemptive gift is the way to buy my silence and slavery.

Yeah, it was truly sweet of him, especially when he equates buying flowers to flushing money down the toilet, but I will be the one to sweep the dead leaves off the table next week and the pepsi, well, it didn't last long.

But I would never tell him that. I thanked him and gushed over it all (especially the Pepsi. Can't get enough of that good stuff) and let him know that I would tolerate absolutely no smoking or reachable lethal medications in or around my house and if I found it, the kids and I would be staying at the lake for the remainder of "the visit" and he agreed. So there. She's still coming, but at least I've made my stand.

And as for a positive spin on the whole thing (as if the Pepsi weren't enough), I will not be at a loss for posting material during November's NaBloPoMo.


Lynsey said...

I'm a diet coke gal myself, but I can relate. Flowers and something yummy to drink would make me happy also. Cant wait to read the "don't let the door hit ya" post when your MIL leaves!

Lynsey said...

oh and of course you can link back to me on the nickname post! said...

Hey, he thought of it. That's allll that matters. Hang onto that when MIL is driving you batty...

Miss Hope said...

Mine has learned that a nice little batch of chocolates can turn me into putty.

I expect a batch today as I found out my FIL is coming for an impromptu visit. Next weekend. This is the FIL who does not like me.

Fun times. Pass the wine.

A. Nonny Mouse said...

Glad he saw that you were upset - mine did too, when he was leaving me half-dressed, with one kid dressed but not fed (the one that SCREAMS for her boobie milk) and the other kid neither dressed nor fed AND had the gall (or balls, depending on how you look at it) to ask me to cut the tag out of his shirt before I fed the baby. I'm trying really hard not to STILL be pissed about it. And I probably won't get any flowers. Oh well.

Have a great weekend!

Jennifer said...

At least he tried. Not sure how flowers and pepsi are supposed to make up for MIL's visit, but it's the thought that counts!