Thursday, August 28, 2008

Stormy Weather Part Two

Let's see....

It's been a pretty boring week around these parts.

The pre-school kids and I have some sort of killer virus that makes the flu seem like the sniffles. Seriously. For one whole week now we have alternated between feeling sorta kinda achy fine to being in a near death feverish stupor. Just when you think you're home free, BAM, it comes back to kick you in the ass. The pathetic irony of it all is that our death stupors never coincide. Therefore, there has been much counter climbing, tampon flushing, and wall art this week.

I'd ask the husband to stay home and help out, but since he is currently fighting to keep his job at the moment, I thought against it. See, the husband's work is all about saving money and as a result, they've cut corners in places such as hiring skilled workers. Because, you know, if you hire someonea who is not trained, you don't have to pay him as much as someone who knows what he is doing. So what do they do with the untrained hires? Why, they have the husband spend every Monday evening and most of his day off Fridays attempting to teach them how to run things. Apparently, though, this isn't working well, because the new hires, they themselves like to cut corners while doing their job so they can go home early. Things like forget to follow the detailed protocol for capping a product into a rail car and then leaving for the night. So of course, they can't be held responsible for their actions because they surely weren't taught correctly and why the hell was the husband at home in bed at 3:30 in the morning instead of right. fricking. there. making sure they got it done right? So, we haven't seen much of Daddy this week. He's pretty much working around the clock these days, he's got to prove he can do his job, or something like that. Personally, if we weren't currently paying two mortgages I really wouldn't care if he lost this job. It sucks. It makes him extremely unhappy. And grouchy. And just plain miserable to be around. I do not want him to keep this job. I just want him to find something else first because we really need that paycheck and we're probably going to need that health insurance because who knows how long we'll have the monster crud.

Now if this wasn't enough, there's Gustav. Last night I went to bed and it was heading to New Orleans, this morning I check the local headlines and they say he's changed track and heading here. WTH? So now what do we do? Do we board up early and leave town, looking kinda crazy if it doesn't come way? Or do we wait a few days and risk getting caught in that horrendous traffic jam? Can you take out loans on plywood? Figures we'd live ten miles closer to the coast now.

And then, there's Hanna. Geez.

And I have seriously overdue library books I need to take back before this all starts. While Elizabeth is currently in her death/scream stupor.

Wish me luck.


Aunt Becky said...

Good luck, my friend. Sounds like a lot of crap is going on.

SydneyDawn said...

I hope your family gets well soon, and the husband's work situation improves.

Try to stay safe and dry!

MARY-ANN said...

Whoa that'a alot :(
Good Luck and I hope your Clan feels better fast!!! said...

I canNOT imagine hurricane fear. Hope you're safe...

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Saying a prayer that all turns out OK. You have a lot on your plate right on. I hope the job sitation turns around.

Dana said...

Sounds like life is fairly crappy right now. I hope things turn around soon! Good luck and stay safe!

Lynsey said...

please be safe. I'm worried about you guys.

I Am Boymom said...

Ahhh...the old "Do I bust my ass to keep a job that i hate or worry about getting a new one?" conundrum. Good luck, I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Lots of hugs for the hubby too, it sucks being in his position, responsible for everyone but without the paycheck to match!