Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Take 3

Well, there he is......Take 3. So far, so good. You can see his enormous head to the left and his itty bitty tadpole legs to the right. Looks just like his brothers at that age. This puts me at 9 and a half weeks with a due date of April 28.

This pregnancy is different than the others because I just don't spend that much time thinking about it. Maybe that's because I do not need to take my twice daily supplements to keep my hormone levels up or because we didn't spend months trying to get pregnant this time. Maybe I am just busier this time around and don't have time to dwell on every little thing. I have yet to crack open my pregnancy books, I didn't even know my due date until last week. I try to remember the vitamin, but truthfully, I forget that sometimes as well. The days just continue to fly by and before we know it there will be another little person keeping us up at night. It is all so strange to me. We had settled on being a family of four, I haven't yet been able to wrap my brain around five yet. I guess I better start getting used to it, he's real, I have pictures to prove it.

At this point with my boys I knew already they were boys. I had dreams of meeting them at various points in their lives, and with Adam he even told me his name. That came in real handy when we were struggling to find a name for him....did I ever tell you his name was Paul for a wee bit yet he just wasn't a Paul? Anyway, I haven't had one solid dream about even a baby this time, no new kids, no gender revelations. I keep waiting, but nothing. My gut instinct is to think it's a boy, I mean I already have two, odds are I will have another one, but I have absolutely no feeling like I did with the other two. I personally have no preference. When you are 38 years old having a surprise baby, you just hope for the best. We won't be finding out what it is until it's birth and we are okay with that. I figure since it has surprised me from the beginning, it might as well continue to surprise me until the bitter end.

So, tell me.....anybody have any telling revelations about their children prebirth? Did you find out it's sex before it was born or after?


Beck said...

He (or she!) is such a cute little tadpole! Remember being completely mistified by ultrasounds, pre-kids? Now I think they're adorable. I hope this pregnancy goes really, really well.

Amie said...

awwwww!!!! :D How awesome that the baby is doing great! I say "she", I know plenty of 2 boys than a girl families.

Lori said...

Well, we always found out ahead of time, so I'm no fun! :) Good for you for going for the surprise!

I'm glad to hear that all looks well...babies are such a miracle. I can say that b/c I'M not pregnant!! Thank goodness! :)

The next 7 months are going to fly by at lightning speed b/c you are already so busy! I can't wait to meet that little one!


OneHungMan said...

Obviously, OneHung is speaking from a guy's point of view, albeit a hung guy's point of view.

Mrs. Hung wanted to know the sex of YoungHung, while OneHung didn't want to know. OneHung left the room when they did the ultra-sound.

It seems most of the city knew the sex before OneHung did and while they did a decent job of keeping it secret, it's almost impossible. So, when YoungHung popped his nappy little head out of his mommy's gash, it wasn't a surprise that he was a he.

OneHung really, really, really wanted a little cute (think Gertie from ET), but in the back of his mind was just hoping for one head, two arms, two legs and no abnormalities.

Congrats to you again.

Michelle said...

Aaaww look at the little bub :)

We didn't find out the sex w/Kayla - both of us agreed we didn't want to know and wanted it to be a surprise at birth. We both did want a girl though; I never had any strong feelings one way or the other about what I was carrying.

kelly jeanie said...


We found out. I had to know. :) You said you knew before they were born, but did you find out officially?

Lynsey said...

Well I think you're having a girl, it was my gut instinct when you first announced the pregnancy. And be careful, my instincts have yet to be proven false!

How do you feel about the color pink and the name Emily? :-)