I think I stole this one from
OneHung forever ago.
1. Do you still have tonsils? – yes
2. Would you bungee jump? – no way
3. If You Could Do Anything In The World For A Living What Would It Be? – I would sit back and earn money doing absolutely nothing.
4. How many tattoos do you have? – None, but I do intend to get one some day.
5. Your favorite fictional animal? – Snuffleupagus
6. One person that never fails to make you laugh? – Will Farrell
7. Do you consider yourself well organized? – I used to be extremely organized, but that's one trait I lost upon having the second child.
8. Any Addictions? – Soda
9. From what news source do you receive the bulk of your news? - Headline News
10. Would you rather go to a carnival or circus? – Carnival
11. When you were twelve years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? – a teacher
12. Best Movie You've Seen This Year? – I don't think I've seen any movies this year.
13. Favorite alcoholic drink – Blue Moon beer
14. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? – Put my glasses on.
15. Siblings? – I have one sister. The last time I spoke to her was in July. Not because of a riff, just because she never answers the phone.
17. Have you ever gone to therapy? – Yes. We've been to marriage counseling and it was extrememly helpful. If it weren't for the therapy lady I would be a single mother with only one child.
18. If you could have one super power what would it be? – The ability to make money hand over fist without lifting a finger.
19. Do you own any furniture from Ikea? – Not anymore.
20. Have you ever gone camping? – Yes. Didn't care for it much.
21. Gas prices! First thought? – Stay home.
22. Your favorite cartoon character? – The Jetsons
23. What was your first car? – 1986 Toyota Corolla. Slammed it into a hill, I did.
24. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual? – no, but I do think it isn't for everyone.
25. The Cosby Show or the Simpsons? – The Simpsons
26. Do you go to church? – I should.
27. What famous person would you like to have dinner with? – Paula Deen
28. What errand/chore do you despise? – Cleaning the bathrooms
29. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? – When will I ever sleep again?
30. Last time you puked from drinking? – My birthday
31. What is your heritage? – Hell if I know.
32. Favorite flower? – crocuses
33. Disney or Warner Bros? – Disney
34. What is your best childhood memory? – Going to the candy store, aka the gas station, with my dad every Sunday afternoon
35. Your favorite potato chip? – Cheetos. Do they count?
36. What is your favorite candy? – Lemonheads
37. Do you burn or tan? – I have red hair and freckles. Do the math.
38. Astrological sign? – Virgo
39. Do you own a gun? – Well, my dad bought one for me when I lived alone, but I have no idea what became of it. That's probably not good huh?
40. What do you think of hot dogs? – Hebrew National are the only ones worth eating.