To the Male Members of Our Family (You know who you are),
The white, round, porcelein thing in each of the bathrooms is a toilet. That hole in the middle is where you aim. That is where the pee goes. The pee does not go on the floor, in the tub, or on the walls. Aim for the hole.
That silver handle at the top of that toilet is very cool. If you press it, it makes a cool noise and you won't believe what happens to the water! You should try it sometime. Believe me, you won't be disappointed.
This letter is to officially inform you that, as of this moment, cleaning pee and flushing toilets is no longer a part of my job description. Please become familiar with the toilet technology as soon as possible so that you may take over these tasks. Thank you.
I've heard you can spray Febreeze on the wall behind the toilet to help get rid of the pee smell.
The men in my family sit(!) to pee when at home to spare the cleaning issues. It's only when we have company that it's a problem.
Obviously in public they are "men" and stand up...but otherwise we are a full sitting toilet seat issues or pee on the walls!!
Otherwise, make them take it over!!!
Girl, I am so with you on this! I have light tile and white grout (not my idea) in 2 out of 3 bathrooms and there is not enough bleach in the world to get it clean. It can't be that hard to aim correctly!
Ugh, this is why I worry about having a boy. My dad was the only "boy" in my house growing up, and he was very considerate of us girls. Now, I worry, since I have a boy.
Okay, I think I might jusy have to print your letter and give a copy to all the males in our house. I SO know what you mean!! Ewwwww!
Girl....imagine MY bathrooms if you will. And Sherry, thanks for that tip, I'll give it a try. Who knows, I just might be able to enter the boys bathroom again if this works! Seriously, they're just gross.
i second that motion.
I hear cheerios make a fun incentive for target practice. It might even work for the kids also. ;)
The last time I had problems with the bathroom I instituted a "sit down" rule. I had some resistance but when they realized I was NOT kidding around they complied. They eventually returned to their Neanderthal standing habits but their aim was better. For a while. I mean, c’mon, the toilet isn’t a urinal. If it were meant for standing it would have been almost as tall as the person using it.
Yeah I'm with you on that...I always quit at least four times a year but, I end up cleaning again!! I saw on MTV cribs where one wife put a urinal in their bathroom so he couldn't miss!!
LOL, I have the same trouble with my boys too. Pee all over the floor, almost everytime, well except hubs, he flushes and everything. Now I am about to have another boy, oh man!
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