Thursday, January 26, 2006

Adam at One

I still cannot believe my tiny baby is one year old! Here are just some random thoughts on all he can do at one:
walks well, in fact he has a really cute penguin walk where he puts his arms down to his sides as he waddles along
runs, or at least attempts to
eats table food
points at things if you ask him to find something
can stack a few small blocks
gives "love" when asked to
climbs the stairs and can go back down
climbs up slide and slides down on his belly
waves bye bye
uses sign for eat and milk and made up his own sign for outside....waving and pointing at the door or window
can remove his shirt and diaper
can use a crayon, of course he only scribbles
recognizes familiar characters...Thomas of course
says mama, kee for kitty, vroom when pushing a car or train, woof for dog
can follow a one step direction, get your bear etc.
claps hands

Adam is so different than Jacob. I see so many things Adam is doing that Jacob never did such as play in the toilet, put the remote in the toilet, chew hunks of paper off the toilet paper roll. Of course, this could be that I was so much more anal with Jacob and made sure he never set foot in the bathroom until it was time to potty train. He also can play trains and other "big boy" toys which Jacob didn't have access to at this age. Naturally, I think he is highly intelligent and cannot wait to wow everyone with his excelerated skills on his birthday party this Saturday. We are doing a Baby Einstein theme. I let Jacob pick it all out. FYI: You can get all the Baby Einstein dinnerware/decorations BUT no one can make a cake for you or give you a Baby Einstein balloon because those have copyright laws, go figure.

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