Thursday, November 09, 2006

I feel I should explain the huge Thanksgiving feast.

Don't think I am a Martha Stewart wanna-be or that I cook meals on that caliber, say ever the rest of the year. I do, however, love to cook and find it increasingly difficult to do so with two children that need attention most all day long. Where before I had children I would cook time consuming meals from scratch, now I look for the short cut and more often than not, throw something frozen in the oven and hope for the best. I love Thanksgiving because it is the one day of the year I can cook and bake all day long while someone else, usually the husband, tends to the kids. I also happen to adore stuffing and sweet potatoes and noodles and they just aren't things you cook for the typical evening meal. So, where lots of people are looking forward to the Christmas gift giving festivities, I am eager to plan menus and buy groceries and plan my attack of the turkey day feast. I can't wait for the parade, the football games, and the annual showing of It's A Wonderful Life. I am thinking WVU plays Pitt that night too, so what could be better than cooking a huge meal and eating it while watching Pat White and Steve Slayton stick it to the Panthers? Anyway....I cook for us, just us. The four of us plus my mom, who should finally be able to travel this way, will be the only ones to partake, but that's okay. We will have leftovers to last us the entire four day weekend. Now if I can just teach my kids how to clean up.

I will pass along recipes shortly......


Anonymous said...

While I'm not the one that cooks, we have a TON of food, too. Last year, my husband cooked enough for a family of 8 and it was just the two of us. But those leftovers were awesome! This year we're going to my Mom's, so it'll a larger group. But if we weren't, seriously, I was coming to your house.

OneHungMan said...

That still sounds like a lot of food for just five of you. However, OneHung is like you, he enjoys devouring bird the rest of the weekend.

Lori said...

I'm just like you Andria! During "normal life" I look for shortcuts and fast meals, but I really love to cook too. It used to be my stress reliever, but lately has turned in to a stress creator. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving, and to trying some of your unique and YUMMY recipes! Thanks for sharing!