Sunday, March 25, 2007

Early Morning Phone Conversation....

I called my sister this morning, mostly to catch my mom who is there visiting and with whom I speak every single day without fail. I got the sister instead (obviously, it being her house and all) and she insisted I speak with Abigail for a while.

I don't know about you, but I have a hard time talking with little ones over the phone, even my own, they are usually hard to understand and sometimes leave the phone dangling for many minutes.

But anyway.....Abigail was very talkative telling me about her new strawberry dress and doodads for her hair and how Gammy would have to find another bathroom to use because her bathroom was only for kids. How dare that Gammy set foot in her bathroom! Then this exchange:

Abigail: You are going to have a baby?
Me: Yes
Abigail: Adam is a baby.
Me: Yes, now there will be two babies.
Abigail: I know! Duh. The new baby is a girl. She is pretty like me.
Me: Oh, it is huh?
Abigail: Oh yes, the baby girl's name is Lucy Petunia.
Me: Oh really? Jacob actually picked out another name.
Abigail: Didn't you hear me? The baby's name is Lucy Petunia. It is that because I say so!
Me: Well, it might be a boy you know.
Abigail: Didn't you hear me? It is a girl. It will not be a boy because I said so. It is Lucy Petunia.
Me: Ok then. Put Gammy on the phone.

So......there you have it. We have been waiting on Lucy Petunia all along. The mighty priss Abigail has spoken!

4 comments: said...

A bit opinionated, eh?

JNas said...

Sassy little thing! I like the name Lucy but, Petunia has got to go!

Lori said...

Isn't it amazing how the little one's always know what's best? :)

lol, I think we should just sit back and let them take over...then all would be right with the world.

Cute, but I agree...petunia isn't my favorite name..hehe!

Sadie said...

Love it! Lucy Petunia.

Perfection. If you don't use it (*snort*) I'll put it on my list. ;)