Thursday, May 04, 2006

I' ve Been Tagged......

by Mary Ann so here goes:

5 Things in Your Fridge: a baggie full of dewberries picked by Jacob and his Grandpa, three black cherry vanilla cokes the last of my stash, a gigantic bag of bok choy that my husband bought 2 weeks ago and is apparently keeping for some sort of experiment, tons of yo baby yogurt, 1 can of Fosters beer
5 Things in Your Purse: First of all, I no longer carry a purse. I carry a diaper bag. It is a quilted baby blue bag with ADAM stitched across the front...extremely stylish. In it is: 4 diapers, a baggie full of cheerios and fruit puffs, diaper wipes, a little red car, and a pair of Bob the Builder underpants. OH, and my wallet somewhere.
5 Things in Your Closet: a cat bed usually with a cat in it, a rubbermaid tub filled with maternity clothes, hidden toys I hope I remember at Christmas, the WV and VA plates from my old car, clothes dating back to 1986.
5 Things That Are in Your Car: a stroller, my yoga mat, a grocery seat cover, 2 car seats, and 50 CDs, ranging from The Replacements to Kelly Clarkson.

Now it's your turn. I tag Jennifer , Celeste, Kelly, Shane, and anyone else who wants to play. Have a nice day!


kelly jeanie said...

Yay! I'll get mine up tonight. Thanks!

Shane H. said...

Okay, my 5's are posted!